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Born on this day
Jean Bolland
Jean Bolland was a Jesuit priest and prominent Southern Netherlandish hagiographer.
33rd week in year
18 August 2024

Important eventsBack

John Williams Wilson takes possession of the Strait of Magellan on behalf of the newly independe21.9.1843

Wikipedia (17 Sep 2013, 15:58)

John Williams Wilson received through the mayor Domingo Espiñeira the order of the President of the Republic, Don Manuel Bulnes Prieto, to mount an expedition to Magellanes.

After building a fifty ton, two gun, schooner called Ancud in a location near Ancud, Commander Williams sailed to the Straits of Magellan, arriving on September 21, 1843 at Puerto San Felipe (Port Famine), where, with the solemnity of the case, proceeded to take possession of the Strait of Magellan and adjacent territories on behalf of the Republic of Chile, incorporating them into their territory. The next day the French schooner "Phaeton" put in and, after saluting the Chilean flag, departed for Oceania.

" Beautiful moments of our lives."