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Born on this day
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was a Russian-German occultist.
33rd week in year
12 August 2024

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The first free flight of the Space Shuttle Enterprise12.8.1977

Wikipedia (29 Jul 2013, 15:09)
On August 12, 1977, the space shuttle Enterprise flew on its own for the first time. Enterprise underwent four more free flights where the craft separated from the SCA and was landed under astronaut control. These tests verified the flight characteristics of the orbiter design and were carried out under several aerodynamic and weight configurations. The first three flights were flown with a tailcone placed at the end of Enterprise's aft fuselage, which reduced drag and turbulence when mated to the SCA. The final two flights saw the tailcone removed and mockup main engines installed. On the fifth and final glider flight, pilot-induced oscillation problems were revealed, which had to be addressed before the first orbital launch occurred.
" Beautiful moments of our lives."