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Born on this day
Willis Eugene Lamb, Jr.
Willis Eugene Lamb, Jr. was an American physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics.
28th week in year
12 July 2024

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New Zealand adopts decimal currency10.7.1967

Wikipedia (04 Jul 2013, 08:54)
New Zealand decimalised on 10 July 1967, with the New Zealand dollar replacing the New Zealand pound. The conversion rates were the same as Australia's - 10c to one shilling, one dollar to 10 shillings, and two dollars to one pound. Confusion was expected with twelve pence becoming ten cents, such as people expecting four cents' change from paying ten cents/one shilling for an item costing eight cents. To help avoid this, the Decimal Currency Board recommended on inter-currency transactions (e.g. paying 4c with £sd coins, or paying 4d with dollar coins) to pay to the next highest five cents or sixpence to get the correct change.

(photo source
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