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Born on this day
Joseph Dalton Hooker
Joseph Dalton Hooke was one of the greatest British botanists and explorers of the 19th century.
26th week in year
30 June 2024

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The world's first emergency telephone number30.6.1937

Wikipedia (03 Jun 2013, 11:40)

In many countries the public telephone network has a single emergency telephone number (sometimes known as the universal emergency telephone number or occasionally the emergency services number) that allows a caller to contact local emergency services for assistance. The emergency number differs from country to country; it is typically a three-digit number so that it can be easily remembered and dialed quickly. Some countries have a different emergency number for each of the different emergency services; these often differ only by the last digit. In the European Union, Russia, Ukraine and Switzerland and others "112" was introduced as a common emergency call number during the 1990s, and as the GSM standard it is now a well known mobile telephone emergency number across the globe alongside the North American "911".


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