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Born on this day
Allvar Gullstrand
Allvar Gullstrand was a Swedish ophthalmologist and a Nobel Prize winner.
23rd week in year
5 June 2024

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The first Great Lakes steamer, the Frontenac, is launched5.6.1817

Wikipedia (24 May 2013, 07:50)

Frontenac was a steamboat, the first paddle steamer launched on the Great Lakes, in 1817.

Built in Ernesttown, Ontario, by American contractors for Kingston businessmen during 1816 at a cost of ₤15,000, she entered service in spring 1817. Frontenac conducted regular runs across Lake Ontario between Kingston, York (now Toronto), and Niagara-on-the-Lake, but rarely managed to make money in eight years; the provincial population was simply too small.

Frontenac was sold for ₤1550 to John Hamilton in 1824, who persisted two more unsuccessful years before selling her for scrap at Niagara in 1827. Before she could be scrapped, she burned to the waterline due to arson.

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