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Édouard Manet
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23 January 2024

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Elizabeth Blackwell is awarded her M.D. by the Geneva Medical College 23.1.1849

Wikipedia (21 Mar 2013, 11:42)
Elizabeth Blackwell is awarded her M.D. by the Geneva Medical College of Geneva, New York, becoming the United States' first female doctor.

Geneva Medical College was founded on September 15, 1834, in Geneva, New York, as a separate department (college) of Geneva College, currently known as Hobart and William Smith Colleges. In 1871, the medical school was transferred to Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York. In 1950, the university sold the college to the State University of New York (SUNY) for only $1, where it remains today.

For many years the college was known as "SUNY Upstate Medical Center," until 1986, when the name was changed to "SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse". The institution was renamed to SUNY Upstate Medical University in 1999.

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