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Born on this day
Fazlur Khan
Fazlur Rahman Khan (3 April 1929 – 27 March 1982) was a Bangladeshi structural engineer and architect, who initiated structural systems that form the basis of tall building construction today.
14th week in year
3 April 2024

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Samuel Beckett's Endgame, premieres in London3.4.1957

Wikipedia (13 Mar 2013, 11:41)
Endgame, by Samuel Beckett, is a one-act play with four characters, written in a style associated with the Theatre of the Absurd. It was originally written in French (entitled Fin de partie); as was his custom, Beckett himself translated it into English. The play was first performed in a French-language production at the Royal Court Theatre in London, opening on 3 April 1957. It is commonly considered, along with such works as Waiting for Godot, to be among Beckett's most important works.
" Beautiful moments of our lives."