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Born on this day
Edgar Tafel
Edgar A. Tafel (March 12, 1912 – January 18, 2011) was an American architect, best known as a disciple of Frank Lloyd Wright.
11th week in year
12 March 2024

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Stardust successfully flies past Comet Wild 22.1.2004

Wikipedia (09 Mar 2013, 13:31)
Stardust successfully flies past Comet Wild 2, collecting samples that are returned to Earth.

Stardust was a 300-kilogram robotic space probe launched by NASA on February 7, 1999. Its primary mission was to collect dust samples from the coma of comet Wild 2, as well as samples of cosmic dust, and return these to Earth for analysis. It was the first sample return mission of its kind. En route to Comet Wild 2, the craft also flew by and studied the asteroid 5535 Annefrank. The primary mission was successfully completed on January 15, 2006, when the sample return capsule returned to Earth.[1]

A mission extension codenamed NExT culminated in February 2011 with Stardust intercepting comet Tempel 1, a small Solar System body previously visited by Deep Impact in 2005. Stardust ceased operations in March 2011.

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