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Born on this day
Walter Rudolf Hess
Walter Rudolf Hess (March 17, 1881 – August 12, 1973) was a Swiss physiologist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1949 for mapping the areas of the brain involved in the control of internal organs. He shared the prize with Egas Mo
11th week in year
17 March 2024

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The Daily Courant, England's first national daily newspaper is published for the first time11.3.1702

Wikipedia (08 Mar 2013, 12:25)

The Daily Courant was one of the world's first regular daily newspapers, commencing in 1702 from premises in Fleet Street.

It was first published on 11 March 1702 by Edward Mallet from his premises "against the Ditch at Fleet Bridge". The paper lasted until 1735 when it was merged with the Daily Gazetteer.

" Beautiful moments of our lives."