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Born on this day
Hiram Stevens Maxim
Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim was an inventor.
47th week in year
24 November 2024

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The Soviet Union launches the Venera 316.11.1965

Wikipedia (12 Nov 2013, 08:01)

Venera 3 (Russian: Венера-3 meaning Venus 3) (Manufacturer's Designation: 3MV-3) was a Venera program space probe that was built and launched by the Soviet Union to explore the surface of Venus. It was launched on November 16, 1965 at 04:19 UTC from Baikonur, Kazakhstan.

The mission of this spacecraft was to land on the Venusian surface. The entry body contained a radio communication system, scientific instruments, electrical power sources, and medallions bearing the Coat of Arms of the Soviet Union.

The probe possibly crash-landed on Venus on March 1, 1966. However, its communications systems failed before it reached the planet.

(photo source
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